What to learn - Issue 1

January 05, 2022


Welcome to the first issue of the WWCode Frontend’s Newsletter! I, Princiya Sequeira, WWCode Frontend Leadership Fellow will send out curated summaries on the various topics I come across that might help you to learn new things. At the time of writing this, it is a new year and I am very excited to realise a long dream of mine to get into a consistent habit of writing. I am not yet sure about my commitment to this, so I don’t want to make any false promises which I would repent later. In the best case, I want to send out this newsletter biweekly for a year, so lets hope how this turns out.


While any developer is welcome to follow this newsletter, this is best suited for frontend folks who are at the middle-level of their careers. In my opinion, middle-level is like the teenage years, or atleast I felt it that way. I was not sure how to get to the senior level, offcourse I needed experience. But I was not sure how to approach the topics or learn new things. There is so much happening and it can be overwhelming.

In every newsletter, I will share one new thing to learn. If you are already aware of the topic, then think about what can be the advanced level for the same or take the time to practice the same topic. If you have not heard about the topic, then take some time to understand what are we going to learn and why is it important to learn that topic. I will offcourse share WHAT topic and WHY to learn that topic, but it is upto you to decide HOW you want to learn so that it is effective for you.

I have written a post on how to learn and not get overwhelmed.

Let’s get started with this week’s new thing to learn.

One new thing to learn this week - Serverless React!

I came across Jason Lengstorf’s egghead.io course on Create a TypeScript powered serverless React application.

The course is short, 19 minutes only and you can deploy a serverless React application using Netlify.

Three questions to ponder

  • What is serverless? Try to explain as simple as possible. Why is it important or what problems does it solve?
  • Is serverless frontend or a backend topic? How can I benefit as a frontend developer? Or as a frontend developer why should I care about serverless?
  • What new things can you build with serverless? List examples.

That’s the one thing to learn this week! I have summed up my learnings about the serverless react application.

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Written by Women Who Code Frontend. Inspiring women to excel in technology careers. You should follow them on Twitter