What to learn - Issue 2

January 19, 2022


In the previous issue we (or just me?) learned about a serverless React application and deployed it into Netlify. Today we will learn how to make the serverless apps stateful.

One new thing to learn this week - Database and serverless functions!

Here is an overview of databases for serverless functions.

I extended the simple serverless app, which I had created earlier this month, to connect to Supabase database. This was my first time using Backend as a service and I chose Supabase.

I followed this tutorial post to read and save items using Supabase.

Three questions to ponder

  • Why is it important to make serverless functions stateful? What happens if serverless functions are stateless?
  • What problems do “Database as a service” providers solve as opposed to traditional databases? When did “Database as a service” come into practice?
  • How is the serverless architecture?

Join our slack channel and we can ponder over these questions together: https://join.slack.com/t/womenwhocodefrontend/shared_invite/zt-gaic5y90-pDJK4H_NbObZ_MU_rcYc0A

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