What to learn - Issue 3

February 07, 2022


In recognition of FOSS February, we will focus on opensource topics to learn for this month!

We did a Hacktoberfest themed studygroup in October 2021 which was well received within our community.

In this “What to learn” issue, we will learn how to contribute to React core. This way you will get a rough idea how to contribute to any opensource project and also learn alongside architecture, design patterns concerning some of the popular opensource projects.

One new thing to learn this week - How to contribute to React core!

Step 1. Clone the react project.

clone the react project

Step 2. Locate the source code for hooks. It is at react/packages/react/scr/ReactHooks.js.

Here is the codebase overview in detail for the React code.

export function useState<S>(
  initialState: (() => S) | S,
): [S, Dispatch<BasicStateAction<S>>] {
  const dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();
  return dispatcher.useState(initialState);

source code for hooks

Step 3. Change the error message in the resolveDispatcher function. I have added MESSAGE HACKED to the existing hooks error message.

update error message

Step 4. Build your changes.

Here is a detailed overview about how to build your React code so that you can test your changes locally.

If this is the first time you cloned the React project then run yarn to install all packages. After updating the error message run the following to build your changes - yarn build react/index,react-dom/index --type=UMD.

Step 5. Try the above changes in your existing React project.

I used the existing React project from last month’s serverless React application.

Within the existing React application, I copied the build/node_modules/react/umd/react.development.js file from the previous build step (step 4) and pasted under <existing project>/node_modules/react/umd/react.development.js.

The updated error message from step 4 does exist in this copied file.

copied file with updated error message

Step 6. 😭 When I ran the existing serverless React application, I did not get the hacked error message! 😭

Three questions to ponder

  • What did I do wrong and why could I not get an updated error message?
  • What is the architecture for React Hooks? Here is a good explanation, might be a little old but a good read.
  • In the context of this example and screenshots, what is umd vs cjs?

Join our slack channel and we can ponder over these questions together: https://join.slack.com/t/womenwhocodefrontend/shared_invite/zt-gaic5y90-pDJK4H_NbObZ_MU_rcYc0A

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Written by Women Who Code Frontend. Inspiring women to excel in technology careers. You should follow them on Twitter